I have been away from the blogging world for quite some time now. I have had a super filled up life lately. Four super cool and busy kiddos, attending school and being a wife. So believe me when I say it truly is me and not you! But here is a little bit of what we have been up to!
talking the day away..... |
dance recitals |
letting the heat get to us |
Just being silly |
We are really looking forward to this falls cooler temps, apple picking, fall festivals and pumpkin patches. We have taken a break from all of life's extra curricular activites this fall. No dance, no fall softball/t-ball, no tumbling, no nothing. We are focusing on whats important. These girls are going to grow up so fast that we will turn around and not know where the time went. Geoff and I want to be able to look back on these times and know that they were not wasted!
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